In 1995 H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche originated the Drikung Kagyu Verlag (DKV) to be able to provide interested persons and practitioners with Dharma-texts in german language. He conferred Tändsin T. Karuna (Elke Tobias) with the coordination for the manufacturing of books and meditationtexts of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage in German-speaking countries (see also letter of H.H.). Aside from Tändsin T. Karuna are Christian Licht and Heinz-Werner Goertz the primal cooperators in the publishing house. They work together with several translators.
Meanwhile we offer also Audio-CDs beside books, teachings and meditationtexts. All products shall contribute to understand the buddhistic teaching and methods better and to apply them in daily life. We strive to provide best possible quality both concerning the contents and shape.
Therefore we decided e.g. concerning meditationtexts to provide all publications both in tibetan format and DIN A5 format to meet the different requirements of all practitioners.
The translation and manufacturing of texts and books from Tibetan or English is time-consuming and requires competent co-workers. Moreover the editions of the publications are humble. Therefore we are grateful for every financial support of the publishing house or of special projekts. Donations can be transfered to the account of the association with the designated use "Textprojekt".